Parental Involvement in Children's Household Life (Case Study of Matrilokal and Patrilokal Families in Pakong Village, Pakong District, Pamekasan Regency

hasan, hasan (2021) Parental Involvement in Children's Household Life (Case Study of Matrilokal and Patrilokal Families in Pakong Village, Pakong District, Pamekasan Regency. Masters thesis, IAIN Madura.

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ABSTRACT Hasan, 2019, Parental Involvement in Children's Household Life (Case Study of Matrilokal and Patrilokal Families in Pakong Village, Pakong District, Pamekasan Regency). Thesis, Masters Program in Islamic Law, Postgraduate IAIN Madura, Supervisor Dr. Maimun, M.HI. and Dr. Hj. Eka Susylawati, S.H., M.Hum. Keywords: Parental Involvement, Children's Household, Matrilocal, Patrilokal, Overview of Islamic Law There are three focus problems that conducted in this study. first, what are the forms of parental involvement and their impacts of children household life in matrilocal and patrilocal families in Pakong Village, Pakong District, Pakong District, Pamekasan Regency? Second, what are the factors that influence of parental involvement in children's households in matrilocal and patrilocal families in Pakong Village, Pakong District, Pamekasan Regency? Third, how is the Islamic law review on the involvement of parents in child households in matrilocal and patrilocal families in Pakong Village, Pakong District, Pamekasan Regency? To answer these problems, a descriptive qualitative research approach was conducted with case studies. While the research instruments in the form of observations, interviews and documentation. The data analysis uses descriptive analysis method which is explained systematically and deeply to the data that has been collected through a three-step process, namely: checking, organizing and analizing. The results showed that: First, there are two typologies of parental involvement in the domestic life of children in matrilocal and patrilocal families in Pakong Village, Pakong District, Pamekasan Regency. Two typologies, namely (1) involved in material matters; (2) involved in immaterial matters. The two typologies of parental involvement have positive and negative implications for the child's home life. Second, the factors that influence of parental involvement in the household life of children in matrilocal and patrilocal families in Pakong Village, Pakong District, Pamekasan Regency, namely: (a) family / kinship factors; (b) economic factors; (c) spiritual reinforcement factors. Third, in Islam, if the marriage contract has been held, it will have legal consequences, namely the obligation of parents towards their children to die and move into the hands of their husbands because of the marriage contract. Therefore, Islam has provided a clear and decisive barometer, in relation to parental involvement in the child's home life. That is, as long as the parent's involvement is not harmful to the relationship of husband and wife (children's family) to create a sakinah, mawaddah and mercy family, then the form of involvement is considered to be permissible. But on the contrary, if the involvement of parents in a child's household life has a negative implication on the integrity of the child's household, then the act of parental involvement is strictly prohibited in Islam. ii اى تيخٍص حغِ،ّ2012ٍّ،شاسمحّاى٘اىذٌِّفًّاىحٍاجّاألعشٌحّىألٗالد )دساعحّحاىحّىعائالخ ٍاتشٌي٘ماه)اىعٍش فًٍّْضهّاىضٗرح( ٗتاتشٌي٘ماه )اىعٍشّفًٍّْضهّاىضٗد( فًّ قشٌحّتامّ٘غٍّّقاطعحّتامّ٘غ،ّتاٍٍناعاُّسٌزْغً(.ّأطشٗحح،ّتشّاٍذٍّارغتٍشّفًّ اىششٌعحّاإلعالٍٍح،ّاىذساعاخّاىعيٍاّاىَعٖذّاإلعالًٍّاىحنًٍّ٘ىيذٌٍِّذٗسا،ّ اىَششفّدمت٘سٍٍَُّ٘،ًّ.س.ّي.ّٗدمت٘سّاىحارّٔإٌنىّع٘عٍالٗتً،ّط.س.، ً.حً٘. كلمات البحث: ٍشاسمحّاى٘اىذٌِ،ّأعشجّاألٗالد،ٍّاتشٌي٘ماه، تاتشٌي٘ماه، ّظشجّعاٍحّعيىّاىششٌعحّاإلعالٍٍح ْٕاك ّحالحح ّأشٍاء ًّٕ ٍّح٘س ّاىَشنيح ّفً ّتحج ّاألطشٗحح : أٗالً، ٍا ًٕ أشناه ٍشاسمح اى٘اىذٌِّٗتأحٍشٕاّعيىّاىحٍاجّاألعشٌحّىألٗالد فًٍّاتشٌي٘ماه ٗتاتشٌي٘ماه فًّقشٌحّتامّ٘غ،ّ ، ٍا ًٕ اىع٘اٍو اىتً تؤحش عيى ً ٍقاطعح تامّ٘غ، ٍقاطعح تامّ٘ذ، تاٍٍناعاُ سٌزْغً؟ حاٍّا ٍشاسمح ّاى٘اىذٌِ ّفًّأعشج األٗالد فًٍّاتشٌي٘ماه ّٗتاتشٌي٘ماه ّفًّقشٌح ّتامّ٘ذ ّ، ٍّقاطعحّ ا، مٍف ٌتٌ ٍشارعح اىقاُّ٘ اإلعال تامّ٘ذ، تاٍٍناعاُ سٌزْغً؟ حاىخ ًٍّح٘هٍّشاسمحّأٗىٍاءّ ً األٍ٘س ّفً ّاألعشج اىَعٍشٍح ّىألٗالد ٍاتشٌي٘ماه ّٗتاتشٌي٘ماه فً ّقشٌح ّتامّ٘ذ، ٍّْطقحّ تامّ٘ذ، ّتاٍٍناعاُ ّسٌزْغً؟ ّىإلراتح ّعيى ّٕزّٓاىَشنيح، ّتٌ ّإرشاء ّّٖذ ّتحخً ّٗصفً ٍّعّ دساعاخّاىحاىح.ّتٍَْا ّأدٗاخّاىثحجّفًّشنو ٍّالحظاخٍّٗقاتالخّٗت٘حٍق.ٌّغتخذً ّتحيٍو اىثٍاّاخّطشٌقحّاىتحيٍوّاى٘صفًّاىتًٌّتٌّششحٖاّتشنوٍّْٖزًّٗعَقّىيثٍاّاخّاىتًّتٌّرَعٖاّ ٍِّخالهّعَيٍحٍِّّحالثّخط٘اخ،ًّّٕٗاىتذقٍقّٗاىتْظٌٍّٗاىتحيٍو. أظٖشخ اىْتائذ ٍا ٌيً: أٗالً، ّْٕاك ّّ٘عاُ ٍِّ ّأشناه ٍّشاسمح ّاى٘اىذٌِ ّفً ّحٍاجّ األٗالد اىَْضىٍح ّفً ّاألعشج ٍاتشٌي٘ماه ٗتاتشٌي٘ماه ّفً ّقشٌح ّتامّ٘غ، ٍّقاطعح ّتامّ٘غ،ّ تاٍٍناعاُ ّسٌزْغً. َّّطٍِ، َّٕا ّ)1ّ )اىَشاسمح ّفً ّاىَغائو ّاىَادٌح؛ ّ)2ّ )اىَشاسمح ّفًّ اىَغائوّغٍشّاىَادٌح.ّىٖزٌِّاىْ٘عٍٍٍِِّّشاسمحّاى٘اىذٌِّآحاسّإٌزاتٍحّٗعيثٍحّعيىّحٍاجّاى٘ىذ اىَْضىٍح. حاٍّا،ّاىع٘اٍوّاىتًّتؤحشّعيىٍّشاسمح اى٘اىذٌِّفًّحٍاجّاألعشجّاىَعٍشٍحّىألٗالد فًّ ً األعشج ٍاتشٌي٘ماهّٗتاتشٌي٘ماهّفًّقشٌحّتامّ٘ذ،ٍّْطقحّتامّ٘ذ،ّتاٍغناُّسٌزْغً،ًّٕٗ:ّ د( ع٘اٍو اىتعضٌض اىشٗحً. حاىخ ،ّ ً )أ(ّع٘اٍوّاألعشجّ/ّاىقشاتح؛ّ)ب(ّاىع٘اٍوّاالقتصادٌح؛ّ) ا فًّاإلعالً، ّإراّتٌّعقذّاىضٗاد، ّفغتنُّ٘ىّٔع٘اقةّقاٍّّ٘ح، ّأيّاىتضاًّاى٘اىذٌٌِّضٗهّعيىّّّ اٗالدٌٕ ّتاىَ٘خ ٌّْٗتقو إىى ّأٌذي ّأصٗارِٖ ّتغثة ّعقذ ّاىضٗاد. ّىزىل، ّقذً اإلعالً ٍقٍا ًعا ٗاض ًحا ٗحاع ًَا،ّفٍَاٌّتعيقّتَشاسمحّاى٘اىذٌِّفً حٍاجّاى٘ىذ اىَْضىٍح.ّٕٗزاٌّعًْ،ّطاه ٍاّأُّ ٍشاسمحّاى٘اىذّالّتضشّتعالقحّاىضٗدّٗاىضٗرحّ)عائيحّاألٗالد(ّإلّشاءّاىعائيحّاىغنٍْحّٗاىَ٘دجّ ٗاىشحَح، فئُ شنو اىَشاسمح ٌُعذ ٍغَ٘ ًحا تٔ. ىنِ عيى اىعنظ ٍِ رىل،ّإراّماُّىَشاسمحّ اى٘اىذٌِّفًّحٍاجّاألعشجّاىَعٍشٍحّىي٘ىذ تأحٍشّعيثًّعيىّعالٍحّاألعشجّاىَعٍشٍحّىي٘ىذّ، عْذئٍز ٌُحظش فعو اىت٘سط األت٘ي فً اإلعالً.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Subjects: ?? m_014 ??
Divisions: Program Pascasarjana > Pendidikan Agama Islam
Depositing User: Mr rony hari
Date Deposited: 02 Feb 2021 07:34
Last Modified: 02 Feb 2021 07:34


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