Items where Division is "Fakultas Tarbiyah > Tadris Bahasa Inggris" and Year is 2024

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Number of items: 67.


Abadiya, Masrurotul (2024) The use of Speaking Pyramidasa Media to Teach Vocabulary for Young Learners at RA Riyadlatul Mubtadi. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Abd Ghofur, Abd Ghofur (2024) Analysis Content of English Textbooks Entitled “English In Focus” at the Third Grade Students of Mts Nurul Yaqin Gunung Sari Badung Propppo Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Ach Masduqi, Ach Masduqi (2024) The Effect of Using Think-Pair-Share Strategy in Students’ Reading Comprehension on Narrative Text at Eleventh Grade in SMAN 5 Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Achmad Muzemmil, Tri Wahyudi (2024) The Implemetation of ESP Learning On Speaking Skill of English For Tourism at Vocational High School 3 PAMEKASAN. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Afilaturomah, Siftia Maulina (2024) Language Variation in Better School: A Slang Perspective at IAN Madura. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Aisyah, Siti (2024) Students’ Perception on Vlog-Based Assignment (Video Blog) Toward Students’ Speaking Ability at Students of English Teaching Learning Program Iain Madura 2023-2024 Academic Year. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Alatas, Moh Muhsin (2024) The Role Of HMPS TBI On Motivating Members In Learning English In The 2023-2024 Period. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Alfania, Nur Diana (2024) "The Implementation of GIST Strategy In Teaching English Descriptive Text In Reading Comprehension For 4th Grade Students Of SDN Bandaran 3 Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Ali, Idrus (2024) An Analysis of Problems Faced by English Language Students in Understanding English Lessons at Vocational School AL-IHSAN Sampang. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Amaliyah, Shafiatul (2024) An Analysis of Students’ Diffculties in Listening Sectionof TOEFL EPT at the 6th Semester of TBI IAIN Madura. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Andawiyah, Robiatul (2024) An Analysis of Students Strategy in Learning Arabic Language and English Language in 9 Grade of MTS Taman Sari Palengaan Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Anifah, Firdatul (2024) Exploring The Use Smart TV As Digital Tools in Teaching Reading In MTSN 1 Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Aryadini, Nindya Elva (2024) An Analysis of Moral Value in “The Karate Kid” Movie by Harald Zwart. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Awwaliyah, Maghfuroh (2024) Analysis of Code Mixing Within Jaksel Youth`s on The Podcast Kesel Aje. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Azimi, Achmad Naufal (2024) The Use of WPS in Teaching Students’ Writing Skill at the Third Grade of MTS Al-Amien Branta Pesisir. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Basri, Moch. Hasan (2024) An Analysis of English Week Program for Male Students Speaking Skill in Ummul Quro As-Suyuty Islamic Boarding School Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Damayanti, Selma (2024) The Effectiveness of Grammarly as Automated Writing Evaluation Tools in Writing English Text at SMKN 1 Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Dayana, Ulfia Dwi (2024) The Implementation of Direct Method on Student’s Speaking Skill at The 8th Grade Students of SMP Sabilillah Sampang. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Deviyanti, Laily (2024) The Implementation of English at Language Day by Santri at Islamic Boarding School the Ummul Quro Putri Blumbungan Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Erfandi, Rian Rita (2024) Students of English Teaching Learning Program: Parents' Perceptions on Vocabulary Subject of 2nd Grade Students at Madrasah Diniyah Miftahul ‘Ulum 1 Murtajih Pademawu Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Febriana, Ira (2024) Unlocking the Hidden Meaning: A Metaphors Analysis of “I Love You 3000” Lyrics by Stephanie Poetri. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Fitriyah, Kamilatul (2024) The Effect of Using Religious Moderation-Based Fairytale Video on Students’ Listening Comprehension Achivement at 12th Grade of MA Miftahul Ulum Bettet. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Fitrotin, Ana (2024) The Implementation of English Literacy Culture in Junior High School of Ummul Quro Putri Plakpak Pegantenan Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Gunawan, Herman (2024) The Effect of Google Translate Application on the 8th Graders Vocabulary Mastery in Mts. Ziyadatut-Taqwa Tlanakan. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Hidayah, Afifah Zumary (2024) The Analysis of English Textbook in MAN 1 Pamekasan Based on Religious Moderation Perspective. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Hoiri, Hoiri (2024) A Semiotic Analysis of Violent Elements on Film Entitled “Up”. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Ibrahimovic, Sochrav (2024) The Effect Of Viral English Songs Of TikTok On English Vocabulary Mastery At 12TH Graders Of Pharmacy Department Of SMKN 1 SAMPANG. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Ikmillia, Faiqur Rizqy (2024) Grammatical Error Analysis On Writing English Diary In Writing Session At English Club Annuqayah Lubangsa Putri. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Irwani, Abdul Haq (2024) Teaching Reading by Using Short Story The Golden Star Fruit Tree for 9th Grade Students of MTSN 1 Sampang. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Isnaini, Latifatul (2024) Teachers Feedback in Teaching English at The Seventh Grade of SMPN 3 Pamekasan,. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Jannah, Miftahul (2024) The Effectiveness of Using Narrative Podcast on Spotify in Listening at Eleventh Grade Students of SMAS Sabilillah Sampang. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Kamalia, Zulfa (2024) Error Analysis on Regular Verb 2 and Verb 3 (-ed) in Prabowo Subianto’s Pronunciation Speech in International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) Shangri-La Dialogue Forum 2023. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Khinanah, Haririyatul (2024) The Implementation of Show and Tell Method in Teaching Students’ Speaking Skill at Intermediate Level of Syekh Abdurrahman Rabah Islamic Boarding School at Pademawu. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Kinanti, Arin Dia (2024) The Use of English Viral Song In Teaching Learning Listening Skill At Tenth Grade of MA Nurul Islam Pungging Mojokerto. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Lailatul Ain, Cut Widi (2024) The Contrastive Analysis on Javanese and English Sentence Structure on English and Javvanese Textbook. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Lailiyah, Mahmudatul (2024) Implementation of English Extracurricular Activities CEA in Teaching and English Learning process at MTs Ainul Falah Bakeong. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Lamara, Vemby (2024) The Use of Mind Mapping to Enhance Grammar Learning Outcome for VIIth Grade Students of MTsN 1 Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Lestari, Mega (2024) The Use of Peer Dictation in Teaching Writing at the Ninth Grade of SMPN 1 Giligenti. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Maghfiroh, Putri (2024) The Analysis of Metaphor in The Sellected Adele Adkins’s Song Lyrics in The Album “30”. Undergraduate. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Maghfiroh, Putri (2024) The Effectiveness of Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) Strategy on Student’s Reading Comprehension Achivement at The Second Grade of Man Sampang. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Mahmudah, Arini Nadzron (2024) Uncovering Illocutionary Meanings : Retno Marsudi’s Speech on Israeli Aggression Towards Palestine at UN. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Mawla, Ani Huril (2024) Strategies in Teaching Tense in Flower English Center at Al-Mujtama’ Islamic Boarding School. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Meilina, Dwi Putri (2024) The Implementation Of Diagnostic Test To Know The English Students Proficiency Within The Differentiated Instruction At Seventh Grade Students In Smp Negeri 2 Proppo. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Metalia, Wilda (2024) The Implementation of Outdoor Learning Model in Learning Writing Descriptive At Second Grade of Smpn 1 Pademawu. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Moh Kamil, Moh Kamil (2024) The Use Of Shalawat Rhythm In Memorizing Irregular Verbs At Institute Prima Bhakti Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Moh. Rofiki, Moh. Rofiki (2024) Students’ Perceptions Towards the Use of English Podcast for Listening Comprehension at the Twelfth Grade Students of MA Miftahhul Ulum Kebun Wangi Blu’uran Karangpenang Sampang. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Nabila, Aisya (2024) The Interference of Madurese Language to the Students Speaking Performance in Engenia English Club at Annuqayah Islamic Boarding School. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Ningtiyas, Dewi Nur Agus (2024) The Grammatical Errors due to the Influence of Mother Tongue in Students' Writing at Fifth Semester Students of English Teaching Learning Program of IAIN Madura. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Nisa', Fitrotin (2024) The Strategies Used in Teaching Speaking Skill in The Era of 4.0 at MA 1 Annuqayah Putri Guluk-Guluk Sumenep. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Nurhidayah, Cindy (2024) Teaching Reading through Islamic Moderation Engish Texts to the Fourth-semester Students of PAI IAIN Madura. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Nurul Haqiqi, Muhammad (2024) An Analysis Connotative Meaning On the Song Lyrics of "Devide" by Ed Sheeran. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Oktaviano, Muhammad Naufal (2024) A Sociolinguistics Analysis of Taboo Words In Peaky Blinders Series S.1 Eps.1 Based On Edwin Batistella’s Prespective. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Pahhol, Ahmad (2024) The Practice of Eliciting Techniques by The English Teacher at The Ninth Grade Junior High School of Sabilillah Sampang. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Rofikoh, Mawaddatir (2024) The Use Of Punishment Strategy On The Students Speaking Mastery at Institut Prima Bhakti Course Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Rofi’ah, Luthfiatur (2024) The use English Captions on Instagram to Develop Writing Skills of English Department Student. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Rohman, Fahrur (2024) Analyzing the Challenges and Opportunities of Learning Two Foreign Languages Simultaneously: Perspectives of Language Learners and Teachers at Bata-Bata Bilingual Center in 2024 Period. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Rosita, Yulia (2024) An Analysis of Language’s Social Stratification in Mark Twain’s The Prince and The Pauper Novel. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Rudiyani, Ahmad (2024) An Analysis of Students’ Speaking Skill on Excellent and Integrated Classes at Tenth Grade of MA Sumber Payung. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Safira, Aqna Windy (2024) Digital Pedagogy in the 4.0 Era: A Framework for Integrating Innovative Media in Teaching of English at SMPN 2 Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Safriadi, Moh. Farhan (2024) Analysis of Social Values in Chudori’s “The Sea Speaks His Name” Novel on Notonagoro Perspective. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Syafiah, Hafifatus (2024) The Use Of Whisper Game On Teaching Vocabulary At ECD (English Club Dormitory) Members Al-Falah Kadur Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Umi Fauzie, Adinda Rian Resty (2024) Students’ Skill in Completing Structure and Written Expression Section of Toefl Test at The Sixth Semester Students of Academic Year 2023 English Teaching Learning Program of State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Madura. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Wahyuni, Sri (2024) Correlation between Students’ Knowledge of Phonetic Symbol on Vowel and Diphthong with Their Pronunciation Ability in the Fifth Semester of English Teaching Learning Program at IAIN Madura. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Yanti, Sa’ida Windi (2024) Analysis of Student Pronunciation Error of Alveolar Consonant by the Students of the Third Semester of English Teaching Learning Program at IAIN Madura. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Yasir, Ferdi (2024) The Implementation Of Pesantren Character Education In English Learning At MA 2 Annuqayah Guluk-Guluk Sumenep. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Zulkarnain, Helmansyah (2024) The Implementation of Muhadharah In Speaking Ability at TMI Al-Amien Prenduan Sumenep 2024. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

susanti, Zesilia mega (2024) The Use of Scratches in Spare Time in teaching and learning Writing of English for Ninth Grade at SMPN 2 Pamekasan In 2023/2024 Academic Year. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

This list was generated on Sun Dec 22 21:25:20 2024 WIB.