Items where Division is "Fakultas Tarbiyah > Tadris Bahasa Inggris" and Year is 2021

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Number of items: 129.


Abdurrahman, Abdurrahman (2021) The use of Cooperative Learning STAD to The Speaking English Activity at Favorite Class of Branch of English Lover Assosiation Course of Banyuanyar Boarding School Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Abdurrahman, Abdurrahman (2021) The use of Cooperative Learning STAD to The Speaking English Activity at Favorite Class of Branch of English Lover Assosiation Course of Banyuanyar Boarding School Pamekasan Undergraduate. Diploma thesis, INSTITIUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Afnan, Afnan (2021) The Correlation Between Problem Based Online Learning and English Achievement of 2nd grade Multimedia Student at SMK Negeri 3 Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Agus Maulidi, Irwan (2021) The Use of Comic Strips to the Student’s Reading Comprehension in Reading Narrative Text of Tenth Grade Students at SMK Negeri 3 Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Agustin, Siska Ayu (2021) The Use of Roundtable Technique in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text at 7th in MTS Miftahul Ulum Rombiya Timur Ganding Sumenep. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Ahlamiyah, Zuhratul (2021) Analysis Cognitive Learning Theories Used by English Teacher in Teaching Pronunciation in English Subject at The Eighth Grade in SMPI At-Tablighiyah East Ponjanan Batumarmar. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Ahmadi, Ahmadi (2021) The Analysis of Morpheme and Word Formation Process of Football Term in Football Game. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Aida, Alievia Nur (2021) English-Indonesian Translation Procedures Of Idiomatic Expression In John Greeen’s The Fault In Our Stars Novel. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Aini, Kurratul (2021) The Effect of Taking Course Activity on Students English Learning Achievement at Ninth Grade of SMPN 7 Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Aini, Moh Chufron (2021) The Implementation of Kumon Method in Teaching Simple Past Tense at the Eighth Grade of MTSN 3 Sumber Bungur Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Ainiyah, Kurrotul (2021) The Effect of Picture Card Games on the Fifth Grade Students’ English Vocabulary Mastery of SDN Duko Timur 1. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Aisyaroh, Siti (2021) Technique for Teaching Speaking Through Conversation at Tenth Grade Student of Senior High School of At-Taufiqiyah Bluto Sumenep. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Aisyaroh, Siti (2021) Technique for Teaching Speaking Through Conversation at Tenth Grade Student of Senior High School of At-Taufiqiyah Bluto Sumenep. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Al Hanif, Saifuddin (2021) The Correlation Between Self-efficacy and Students’ Speaking Achievement at the Third Semester of TBI IAIN Madura. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Al-amin, Farid (2021) Conceptual Metaphor Used in Instagram Caption Reposted in @Mahasiswa.Milenial_ Account Based on Gender perspective. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Alchorni, Wais (2021) The Cultural Analyses on D. Zawawi Imron Poetry “Madura Akulah Darahmu”. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Amamy, Roihan (2021) The Use Of Simple Past Tenses In Teaching Speaking Fluency of The Eleventh Grade of State Vocational High School Nahdlatun Nasyiin Bungbaruh Kadur Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Anam, Khairul (2021) The Implementation of Contextual Teaching and Learning in Reading Comprehension at Tenth Class Ma Al-Falah Sumber Gayam. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Annisa’, Annisa’ (2021) The Semiotic Analysis Of Character Education In “Bad Genius” Film. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Anshori, Muhammad (2021) he Analysis Of English Wise Words Sticked On Cafe’s Building In Pamekasan (Based On Stephen Trombley Perspective). Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Apriliani, Damayanti (2021) The Effect of Video as Media on the Students’ Listening Skill at Second Semester of English Department IAIN Madura in academic year 2020/2021. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Arifin, Moh Nurul (2021) The Study of Students’ Mastery In Adjective Phrase At A class Banyuanyar English Center. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Arifin, Samsul (2021) The Use of Words Wall Media to Teach Vocabulary on the 8th graders at MTs Kholafiyatul Mustarsyidin Camplong Sampang. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Awalia, Nadia (2021) The Analysis on Semantic Meaning of The English Snack Advertisement Slogan. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Azizah, Rohelatul (2021) The Effect of English Song on Students Pronounciation at The Eleventh Grade Sudents of Islamic Bata-Bata Palengaan Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

A’yuniyah, Kurrotun (2021) The Morphological Analysis Of Jargon On Pandemic Era Found In Websites. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.


Diana, Ratih Zulfia (2021) Investigating the Techniques of Teaching Pronunciation Used By Lecturer in 2nd Semester Students of English Department at IAIN Madura. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Diana, Ratih Zulfia (2021) Investigating the Techniques of Teaching Pronunciation Used By Lecturer in 2nd Semester Students of English Department at IAIN Madura. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Dina, Alfin Aulia (2021) The Effect Of Using Animation Video On Students’ Vocabulary Mastery In 9th Grade Of Junior High School 1 Camplong Sampang. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Dwitari, Silvia (2021) An Analysis of Nonverbal Communication Used by Figure Teacher in “Mind Your Language”TV Show. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.


Fadilah, Lailatul (2021) The Effect of Google Translate Application on the 8th Graders Vocabulary Mastery in SMPN 2 Larangan. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Fadki, Marsuki (2021) The Use 0utdoor Learning Activity in Speaking English Class at Latansa BEC Pameksan. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Faidi, Ach. (2021) The Students’ Perception Toward Their Speaking Ability (Without Memorizing Vocabulary) at Al-Falah Senior High School Sumber Gayam Kadur. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Faiqoh, Faiqoh (2021) The correlation between writing diary habit and students’ writing skill on paragraph at Aphrodite English Club (AEC) Annuqayah Islamic Boarding School. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Fajri, Desiyatul (2021) Good and Poor Spelling in Students’ Speaking Skill at The Seventh Class of MTs. Al – Hasan Gili Genting Sumenep. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Fantri, Ika (2021) An Analysis on The Students’ Difficulties in Completing TOEFL Test of Reading Comprehension at Institut Prima Bhakti Course Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Farinatuz, Farinatuz (2021) An Analysis of Students’ Self Confidence on Speech Contest in MA Al-Amin Bugih Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Fatchi, Muhammad Nasrullah (2021) Analysis Students’ Difficulty in The Ept Structure and Written Expression Section at TBI of Sixth Semester in IAIN Madura Academic Year 2017. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Fatihah, Noer Afni Imamatul (2021) The Effectiveness of U-Shape Seating on Reading Class of Third Semester of English Teaching Learning Program at IAIN Madura. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Fawaid, Achmad (2021) The Usage of Pictures as Media in Teaching Vocabulary For Young Learners at SDN 1 Bindang Kec. Pasean Kab. Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Fawaid, Fawaid (2021) Student’s Interest In speaking skill through BINGO game of VIII grade at SMPI Darul UlumII Congka Gilang Sumenep. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Fazirah, Nur (2021) An Analysis of Metaphors Translation From English to Indonesian of Subtitle Maleficent The Mistress of Evil Film. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Fikriyani, Shofiyatul (2021) An Analysis of Translation Procedures Used in the English Version of “Instagram” Social Networking Website. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Firdausa, Anastasia Amanatul (2021) The effectiveness of sustained silent reading method on students’ reading comprehension at Xth grade of SMAN 3 Pamekasan in academic year 2020/2021. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Fitriyah, Anis (2021) The Use of Filled Pauses in Students’ Communication at Fifth Semester of TBI in IAIN Madura. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Fitriyah, Lailatul (2021) Analysing the ASSURE Model on English Instructional Media Used By The English Teacher at 11ᵗʰ Grade of SMA Al-Falah Sumber Gayam Kadur Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Fradina, Dery Irma (2021) The Effects of English Song on Pronounciation of 2nd Semester Students in Iain Madura. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.


Hariroh, Ainol (2021) The Effectiveness of Visualization Strategy in Teaching Reading at Seventh Grade of SMPI Riyadlatul Mubtadiin TlontoAres Waru Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Hasanah, Nurul (2021) The Analysis Of Good Teacher’s Pedagogic Competence in Teaching English at The Fifth Class of SDN Pademawu Barat I. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Holidiyah, Shofiyatul (2021) The Use of Whispering Game in Students’ Listening Skill at Fifth Grade of MI Nurur Rahmah Kaduara Barat Larangan Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Hotimah, Husnul (2021) Student’s Perception on the Use of Instagram on learning Englist at student of English teaching learning program IAIN Madura. Diploma thesis, INSTITIUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.


Ilyes, Ilyes (2021) student activity in learning English using the discovery model method measure and find out whether or not the twelfth graders at MA Babus salam of Sampang. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Indawati, Indawati (2021) The Internal Factors That Cause of The Lack Students Interest on English Subject in MTS Nasyrul Ulum (A case Study: Nine students of MTS Nasyrul Ulum). Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Indriyani, Lia (2021) The Use of Realia Media on Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at Seventh Grade of SMPN 4 Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.


Jamaluddin, Mohammad (2021) Teacher Problem on Teaching English Vocabulary During Covid-19 Outbreak in SDN BUDDAGAN 2 On Fifth Year Class Students Using Online Class. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Jannah, Raudhatil (2021) The Analysis of Students Politeness Response on Lecturer Request by Voice Message in Whatsapp Group at Fifth Semester of TBI 2021 IAIN Madura Based on Brown and Levinson Perspective. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Jennah, Raudatul (2021) The Use of Snake and Ladder Game in Teaching Vocabulary at the Seventh Grade of SMP Negeri 3 Sampang. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.


Karimah, Mu’imatul (2021) The Impact Of Integrative And Instrumental Motivations On The Students Speaking Skill At The Third Semester Of TBI IAIN Madura. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Karomah, Nikmatul (2021) Teaching Vocabulary Through English Movie With English Subtitles to Students'Vocabulary Mastery at the tenth grade of MA At-Taufiqiyah Aeng Baja Raja Bluto Sumenep. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Khoirun Nisa', Indah (2021) The Responses of Students towards English Native Speaker Teaching Method at Online Intermediate Speaking Class of Titik Nol English Course, Thesis, English Teaching Learning (TBI). Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Khomairoh, Siti (2021) A Study of Figurative Language and Its Educational Value in Surah Al-Kahf (60-82) of Aljamil Qur’an English Translation. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Kustanbila, Siti Hajar (2021) Using Speed Reading Methiod In Teaching Reading Comprehension At Seventh Grade Student of MTsN Sampang. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

komariyah, Fitriyatul (2021) The study of errors analysis on writing facebook status made by santri at kebun baru boarding school in English area from 2019-2020 years. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.


Laila, Sayyidah Rif’atul (2021) The Study on Online Learning Atmosphere on Speaking Class at the Second Semester of English Department in State Islamic Institute (IAIN Madura). Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Laili, Nurul (2021) Cheating Behaviour on a Film entitled “Bad Genius” in Hetherington and Feldman’s Perspective. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Latif, Abd. (2021) The use of newspaper as media on students writing ability at SMP Negeri 8 Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Lestari, Safitri Nur Indah (2021) The Analysis of Main Character’s Internal Conflicts In Fangirl’s Novel By Rainbow Rowell. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Liska, Liska (2021) The Analysis of Speech Act on “The Translator” Movie. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.



Ma'wa, Jannatul (2021) Students’ Response Toward English E-learning During Covid-19 Pandemic at The Tenth Graders of MAN Sampang 2021. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Maghfiroh, Atiqotul (2021) Group Work Activity in Teaching Grammar to The first grade students at Vocational High School (SMK) Mabdaul Falah Talang Larangan Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Maghfiroh, Fitriyatil (2021) Penggunaan Media Media E-learning yang di Gunakan oleh Dosen Bahasa Inggris untuk Mengajar Statistik Penelitian pada Semester Enam Jurusan Bahasa Inggris di IAIN Madura. Diploma thesis, INSTITIUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Maisaroh, Maisaroh (2021) The implementation On Learning English By Using Students Center learning Model At Ninth Grade Of Junior High School Miftahul Ulum Sumber Kembang Pamekasan 2020. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Masruroh, Iroh (2021) The Effect of Students Summary Writing On Students Reading Comprehension At 9rd Grade Junior High School On 2020-2021 At Raudatus Sa’adah. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Maulana, Arman (2021) Contrastive analysis between English and Arabic on adjective in magazine Activita Edisi XLIV dan XLV/September 2018 and April 2019. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Maulana, Gemma Muhammad (2021) The Analysis of Educational Values on the Characters of King Speech Movie,. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Maulida, Nur Kamelia (2021) The Error Analysis Of Learner Language On Subtitle Of Mind Your Language Movie. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Maulidah, Maulidah (2021) The Strategy Used by The Students’ in Learning Speaking Skills Outside The Classroom During Pandemic Era at The Fourth Semester of TBI in IAIN Madura. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Maulidah Sari, Cahyatul (2021) Sherlock Holmes Movies: An Analysis of “Dirty” Words Types and Usage. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Maulina, Riskiati (2021) The Use of Slang on WhatsApp Personal Chatting by TBI Students at IAIN Madura. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Muarif, Syamsul (2021) Using Picture in Teaching English Vocabulary at Fourth Grade of MI. Miftahul Ulum I Tlaga, Blumbungan, Larangan, Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Muawenah, Anisatul (2021) Analysis of Moral Education In The Fairy Tale of Si Kancil Yang Cerdas by Endyas Wiguna of Imam Al-Ghazali Perspective. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Muharromah, Anisatul (2021) The Correlation between Students’ Grammar Mastery and Students’ Speaking Skill at The Eleventh Grade of SMA Tahfidh Putri Al-Amien Prenduan Sumenep 2020/2021. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Munawwaroh, Anizatul (2021) The Impact of Students’ Anxiety in Presenting Syntax Recitation in Fifth Semester of TBI at IAIN Madura. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Muti`ah, Muti`ah (2021) The Correlation Between Linguistic Intelligence and Student`s Speaking Skill at Third Semester English Department of IAIN Madura. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Muzakki, Muzakki (2021) The Use of Discussion Teaching Method in Giving Enthusiasm in Learning English to Students at the Tenth Grade of SMA Plus Darul Ulum Blumbungan. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.


Nabilah, Nabilah (2021) The Correlation between Students’ Attitudes and English Achievements at Eleventh Grade of SMA 2 Sampang. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Nafsiyah, Afifatun (2021) The Effect Of Using Ice Breaking on Students’ Vocabulary Achievement in Learning English at Eight Grade of Mts.Al-Hasan ProppoPamekasan. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Ningsih, Lisa Kustia (2021) The Effect of Cooperative Learning Strategies On Reading Comprehension For The Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 2 Larangan Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Ningsih, Nur Fitria (2021) Menonton Film Berbahasa Inggris Dalam Belajar Kemampuan Berbicara Pada Siswa Semester 2 Selama Covid-19 Jurusan Bahasa Ingggris, di IAIN Madura. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Nisa', Siti Misbahul Khoirun (2021) The Effect of Using Ward Wall Media on Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at The 7th Grade Students in MTs Miftahul-Qulub Polagan Galis Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Nisa’, Dwi Mareta Saftin (2021) The Effectiveness of Using Team Word Webbing to The Students’ Reading Comprehension of The Tenth Grade at Senior High School 1 Galis. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Nur Istiqomah, Diah (2021) An Analysis of Students’ Error in Using Punctuation at Introductory paragraph of Argumentative Essay on Fourth Semester of English Department IAIN Madura during Covid-19. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.


Pratama, Rendi (2021) Takrir Method used by Tutor in Vocabulary Mastery for Student of Radiant English Course (REC) at Boarding House of Al-Tsarwiyah (BHA) Waru Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.


Rahmah, Halifatur (2021) The Implementation of Individual Presentation in Teaching Students’ Speaking Skill at Twelfth Grade MA Miftahul Qulub Polagan Galis Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.


Ridho’i, Ridho’i (2021) The Implementation of make a match technique in teaching question tags at ninth grade students of MTS Ummul Qura Tattangoh pamekasan. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Risqi, Mohammad Khoirur (2021) Peran Modal Sosial Dalam Manajemen Pengelolaan Gor Angkasa Di Desa Plak Pak Kecamatan Pegantenan Kabupaten Pamekasan Perspektif Ekonomi Islam. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Rizaldy, Rizaldy (2021) A Morohological Analysis “Let’s Talk About Love”Album by Celine Dion. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Royhanah, Royhanah (2021) The Use of The English Spelling Bee Game in Teaching Vocabulary on The 9th Grade of SMP Islam An-Nidhomiyah. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.


Sabit, Ach (2021) An Analysis of the Student's Difficulty in Learning English : A Case Study on Wrong Major Student in Taking English Education at Islamic Institute of Madura. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Safitri, Rika Melinea (2021) The Role of Parents in Guiding Children to Learn English in Online Learning at Second Grade of SDN Kangenan 1 Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Sakinah, Wasilatus (2021) The Influence of Students Anxiety on Public Speaking of Smile’s Ramadhan English Supercamp in Bicorong Pakong Pamekasan Madura. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Sari, Selvi Dian Permata (2021) The Effect of Mobile Legend Game toward students’ vocabulary mastery of Death Note group in pamekasan. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Seftiana, Khairun Nisya (2021) The Effect of HURIER Model on Students Listening Skill at The Third Students of IAIN Madura. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Shodik, Moh. Fajar (2021) An Analysis of Using Code Mixing in a Conversation by Campus Ambassador at IAIN Madura. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Sholeha, Sofiadatus (2021) Using U Dictionary As Media in Teaching Vocabulary to Junior High School Al-Miftah Karang Penang Sampang. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Sirri, Nur Latifatus (2021) Students’ Response toward Videos Used by Teacher as Media in English Online Learning at Covid-19 Pandemic at The Eight Grades MTsN 3 Sumenep. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Siyadah, Kamilatus (2021) The Correlation between Multi Grade Teaching and Students’ confidence in Speaking Class at Putri Dharma Course. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Sofa, Wakiatus (2021) The Analysis of students’ difficulties in translating argumentative texts from English to Indonesian at the eleventh graders of MAN Sampang. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Soviatun, Titin (2021) Student’s techniques in learning reading subject at the third Semester of English Teaching Learning Program at IAIN Madura. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Suhartina Puteri, Lina (2021) Students’ Responses Of 4th Semester Academic Year 2019-2020 Of TBI Toward Lecturer’s Corrective Feedback On Writing 3 At IAIN Madura. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Supriadi, Ach. (2021) The mistakes in using collocation: a study of essay writing at pre-intermediate students Titik Nol English Course Pare. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Suryadi, Nanang (2021) The Implementation of Take and Give Method in Teaching Plural Nouns at the Eighth Grade of MTS Bustanul Ulum Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Sutihah, Siti (2021) The Correlation between Students’ Speaking Fluency and Their Grammar Mastery at Al-Falah English Centre (AFEC) DempoBarat Pasean. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.


TAMAM, AHMAD BADRIH (2021) The Effectiveness of picture Series on Students Writing Descriptive Teks in Bata Bata English Center (BBEC). Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Turnaningsih, Tri (2021) The Influence Of Using Clustering Technique On The Student’s Achievement In Writing Descriptive Text at Eight Grade of SMPN 1 Pademawu in Academic Year 2021/2022. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.


Ubudiyah, Sa'adatul (2021) An Analysis on Islamic Ethical Values Contained in a Movie Entitled “The Pursuit of Happyness”by Gabrielle Muccino. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Ulfatul Karomah, Novia (2021) The Use of English Song Lyric in Teaching Listening to the Studentsat Ninth Grade of SMP Annidhamiyah Bindang Pasean Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Ulfiana, Zulfi (2021) The Perspective of Islamic Ethics and Akhlak on Malin Kundang Short Story. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Umammi, Renita Agustina (2021) The Effectivness of The Use Night Competitions Routine Toward Speaking Skill at BBEC Mambaul Ulum Bata-bata, Palengaan Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Umniyah, Alifatul (2021) WhatsApp Group Features as a Learning Media in The Speaking Activities during Pandemic COVID-19 at MA Bustanul Ulum in Sampang. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Uyun, Amelia Faizah (2021) The Strategies of English Teacher in Teaching Speaking Skill at The Eigth Grade Students in SMPN 2 Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.


Wardhani, Kartika Putri (2021) An Analysis of Slang on Liam Payne’s Album LP1 Based on Connie Eble’s Perspective. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Wildani, Arini Hikmah (2021) A Morphological Analysis on Derivational Morpheme Contained in Novel “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” By Stephen Chbosky. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

Wulandari, Afiyah (2021) The Effectiveness of Using Religious Songs to Vocabulary Mastery at Tenth Grade Multimedia Students of SMKN 3 Pamekasan. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.


Yuniar CT, Rr.Nurwidya (2021) The Analysis of Teaching Learning Strategy Erin Gruwell To Solve Students Problem in Freedom Writers Movie. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.


Zahrah, Khaifatuz (2021) The Influence of Watching YouTube Cartoon Videos on Vocabulary Mastery for Early Childhood RA Tuhfatut Thullab Bicorong Village Pakong Sub-district Pamekasan District. Diploma thesis, INSTITUT AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI MADURA.

Zahrah, Nur Fadilatus (2021) An Analysis of The Values Character Education in Film “Finding Nemo. Diploma thesis, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura.

This list was generated on Sun Feb 23 11:08:26 2025 WIB.